bgladThe slogan at Joy Set Entertainment is “Serious about silliness.”  What does that mean?  First of all Joy Set is dedicated to entertaining people of all ages through appropriate humor.  They are not afraid to get silly.  Have you ever seen an entertainer that was just puffed up and full of themselves?  Many entertainers forget that their number one job is to entertain.  That is where the silly part comes in.  When Joy Set Entertainment does an event, fun is the key factor.  The entertainers are enjoying themselves and so is the audience.

However at the same time Joy Set is very serious and professional in their entertainment.  They have a Triple Guarantee for all events from birthday parties to corporate entertainment to school assembly shows.    In the past five years  Joy Set has a 100% fulfillment rate.  The entertainment is done and the entertainment is done right.  Joy Set Entertainment is serious about silliness.